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Strategic Flexibility's Impact in Avoiding the Strategic Drift: Analytical Research in Hospitals of The Medical City in Baghdad

Shaheed Jamhour Faraj, Shehenaz Fadhil Ahmed

Volume: 10 Issue: 4 2020


The present research aims to recognize the role of the strategic flexibility in avoiding the strategic drift that may face the organizations' work being under the scope of this research , as well as indicates that there is a weakness in their strategic planning being clearly reflected in their performances and in their ability to face developments, especially in the field of technology, with a clear weakness in managers' strategic directions and their neglect of this vital role in monitoring and reviewing all the changes that occur in the business environment that they face during their work, which affect the planning and implementation of their strategies. The importance of this research has emerged by providing possible solutions to the problems and challenges that they face during performing their work according to the variables of the current study. Thus, two main hypotheses were identified, and several sub hypotheses were branched out of them for the purpose of testing the relationship and influence between the research variables. Moreover, the two researchers have relied on the descriptive and analytical method at presenting, collecting and analyzing the data. This study was conducted on all hospitals in the City of Medicine in the Bab Al-Moazam area, which are (7) hospitals, and the study community reached (644) managers, and the questionnaire form was used as a tool of collecting the data. The exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis was conducted, besides the testing of the validity and reliability of the questionnaire. As a research sample (258) forms were distributed, and the total of the valid forms for statistical analysis reached to (243) forms. The current research reached a set of results, the most prominent of which was the existence of a positive relationship between the strategic flexibility and avoiding strategic drift.

DOI: http://doi.org/10.37648/ijrssh.v10i04.026

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