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E-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671



The Reflection of Spiritual Leadership on Strategic Awakening - An exploratory study at the Al-Kadhimiya Holy Shrine

Haider Abdul Karim Abdul Wahid, Asst. Prof . Dr. Nada Ismaeel

Volume: 11 Issue: 1 2021


The research aims to reveal the level of awareness of the study sample of the topic of spiritual leadership in its various dimensions (vision, hope / faith, love of altruism, and meaning), in addition to diagnosing the level and image of strategic awakening followed by the Kadhimiya Holy Shrine, and the importance of the research is evidenced by combining two different places as well as The importance of the research variables represented by (spiritual leadership and strategic awakening), as these two variables can be viewed through two dimensions, namely the intellectual-philosophical dimension and the practical dimension. And analyzing them through the statistical analysis program (SPSS) using a number of statistical tools represented by (the arithmetic mean, standard deviation, percentages and coefficient of variation). With the dimensions of spiritual leadership combined with strategic vigilance, and based on these results, the researcher recommends the necessity of investing the researched threshold of Spiritual leadership practices and activating its role in supporting and building strategic vigilance, as well as taking care of its implementation by examining the experiences of developed countries and making use of them in the best way possible.

DOI: http://doi.org/10.37648/ijrssh.v11i01.008

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