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E-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671



The Development of Human Resources According to The Benevolent Leadership by Mediating Knowledge Sharing : A Survey Strds in The State Company for Textile Leather Industries (Cotton Factory)/ Bag

Ameer Abbas Rahmatullah, Atheer Abdullah Mohammed

Volume: 11 Issue: 1 2021


This study aims to clarify the role of human resource development as a dependent variable according to good leadership as a variable Independent knowledge-sharing mediator in the State Company for Textile and Leather Industries (Cotton Factory) Baghdad Textile Factory. The problem of the study is represented by the lack of interest in human resources by the factory administration and the weakness of the leadership role Good, which negatively led to the development of human resources. As well as identifying the levels and reaching a set of recommendations in order to contribute to improvement and increase Knowledge sharing in the researched organization. To achieve the goal in the researched organization, an exploratory and analytical approach was adopted in carrying out this study As the results shown in the current study highlighted the validity of the multiple compound linear model for an impact study The components of the benevolent leadership styles, and with a trace of the intermediate variables represented B (components of knowledge-sharing methods) on the human resource development function Where the significance of the common variations caused by the direct and indirect impact factors in the development index HR This reflects the importance of the combined analysis outputs in achieving the goals that the mission came about Research topic.

DOI: http://doi.org/10.37648/ijrssh.v11i01.014

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