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Social Capital and its Impact on the Democratic Consolidation

Dr Firaz Gorgees Azeez

Volume: 11 Issue: 1 2021


Social capital is considered as one of the basic factors that contribute to cohesion and interdependence among the members of society, in addition to its role in determining the ability of the state and political system to overcome the crises and problems that facing the society. Then, it leads to stability and progress. The term of social capital has become one of the widespread terms in recent years. Despite its appearance in the last two decades of the last century, especially in Western societies via numerous researchers and thinkers. The reason for this widespread is the positive effects and indicators that it contains such as trust, cooperation, and social ties. These civil society ties contribute to forming and strengthening democracy and social stability. These thinkers consider that community ties, specifically civil society ties have played a great role in the shaping of social capital, principally concerning standards of trust and cooperation. These researchers also believe that decreasing the number of these combined ties is evidence and an indication of the decline in the social capital as well as in a democracy.

DOI: http://doi.org/10.37648/ijrssh.v11i01.023

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