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Welcome to International Journal of Research in Social Sciences & HumanitiesE-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671 IMPACT FACTOR: 8.561 |
The impact of COVID-19 on Iraqi Stock Market: An Event to Study Methodology
Azzam Khalid Chyad, Dr. Ayad Taher Aljubori
Volume: 11 Issue: 2 2021
The research aims to study the impact of the economic crisis caused by the Corona pandemic on the Iraqi stock market by studying the event, specifically the impact of two pandemic events on the returns and volume of shares circulation, for companies listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange across sectors (banks - communications - insurance - services - Industry - Hotels and Tourism - Agriculture), and the Iraqi market for financial stocks represents the place of application, while the market sectors, which number (7), represent the research community, and the sample of the study of the impact of the pandemic on the market index, companies included in the Iraq Stock Exchange Index (SIX60) which Its number reached (60) companies from all market sectors, while the sample for studying the impact of the pandemic on the sector’s returns and trading volume in them was (102) companies representing all companies listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange. Data and information were obtained from reports (daily, weekly and monthly) issued. From the Iraq Stock Exchange and the Securities Commission for the time period (2019-2020), and the financial methods represented by stock returns, trading volume and market momentum index were relied upon, and some statistical methods were adopted. For my description of (arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and percentages), as well as inferential statistics methods (autocorrelation coefficient - simple regression - T-test - histogram - scatter plot - QQ chart) across applications (SPSS V25-Excle 2020- Py Charme2020) to compare Results and testing of research hypotheses. This is to determine the impact of the Corona pandemic (the first and second event) on the returns and trading of ordinary shares on the Iraq Stock Exchange.
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