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E-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671



Technical Integration and Its Role in The Formal Display of Interior Design

D: Salah Al-Din Qadir Ahmed

Volume: 11 Issue: 2 2021


Technical integration and its role in the formal display of interior design The art of designing decoration in terms of aesthetics and its expressive symbolic connotations is mainly related to interior designs and its values based on formal relationships expressing its intellectual peculiarity in employment, as each of the designs is a mirror of a need and its tastes is not individual in itself, but according to an interactive relationship between the designer and the recipient on the one hand and between society As a whole . Through the formal appearance and content of artistic taste and design philosophy and the extent of the influence and influence of each on the other, especially that the interior designs are clearly subject to and affected by the social and economic environment and the development in the technical field, which formed as motives that gave the designer the ability to devise and innovate new systems resulting from his self-sensitivity to the components From which it derives the design idea In addition to its cultural and philosophical level, which are components and motives that depend on it in the design application, whether in the formations of the foundations and elements and their decorative aspects, they are basically linked to the need for new designs ranging from functional necessity to aesthetic necessity based on constructive relationships of shapes and building systems that support Its objective properties. Based on the foregoing, and through the researcher's review of a set of designs, he found that there is a problem standing in front of the concept of relationships that is taken away and the other by approaching the design construction in terms of structural relations and linkage and the meaning of integration based on the aesthetic and expressive dimensions and the need for compatibility with the functional goal If we take into account the concept of the resulting relationships and the investigator of aesthetic, expressive and functional values in the overall design achievement, and through that, the problem based on imposing the following questions was identified: Does artistic integration have a role in the formal display of these designs? Based on that, the researcher found a justification for a proposition

DOI: http://doi.org/10.37648/ijrssh.v11i02.008

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