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E-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671



The Role of Interactive Media in Developing International Relations Between Iraq and China

Adnan Hammood Radhi

Volume: 11 Issue: 2 2021


The technological revolution in the field of communication has contributed to the overcoming of geographic space and political boundaries, and new media has brought about a structural change in the quality of quantity and quality in the media. What is meant by new media simply are digital media in order to distinguish them from traditional (interactive), interactive (Internet) and networked (digital) media. We live in a new digital world in which communicative knowledge has increased, especially by boys and young men, and an interactive atmosphere has been created, as there are many media outlets, and the owners of messages have multiplied with them, and their media materials have varied, which include the chaff, the fat, the good, the bad, the truthful and the liar. Countries, researchers and specialists should search for the essence of these media in terms of form and content, especially in our Arab world which, unfortunately, is consumed and not innovated, and this is what makes us deepen the search for these means and know the content of the material they broadcast and verify their effects, the truth of those behind them, and determine the goals that They want to reach it, Shedding light on digital diplomacy and modern means of communication and its importance in political work and international relations is a very important issue, and how does it play this role? How can it be invested, and discover its ability to reach all segments of society.

DOI: http://doi.org/10.37648/ijrssh.v11i02.009

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