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E-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671



The Effect of Inclusive Leadership in Open Innovation Strategies

Mustafa AbdulAbbas Assad, Dr Nisreen Jasim Mohammed

Volume: 11 Issue: 2 2021


The current research aims through its chapters to test the effect of inclusive leadership as an independent variable in open innovation strategies as a responsive variable in the office of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, as well as to identify the levels of its availability and employ them to be more appropriate to the reality of the current conditions of the ministry in the field of research and what is required of it in light of the turbulent regulatory environment In Iraq, and based on the importance of the research topic and the great importance in which these variables were given, especially for public organizations and the interpretation of the relationships and ties between them, and the analytical approach was adopted in the completion of this research, and data were collected from (150) respondents represented by an intentional sample of (general director, assistant general manager, department director and division official) working in the ministry, and data was collected using the questionnaire and with the help of field visits and personal interviews with a number of the sample researched, and the data was analyzed through a set of statistical programs (Amos, Spss, Excel), and the results showed the validity of the assumptions of correlation relationships. And the impact on the level of the main variables (inclusive leadership, open innovation strategies) and sub-dimensions were significant, and the inclusive leadership has an active and essential role in adopting open innovation strategies.

DOI: http://doi.org/10.37648/ijrssh.v11i02.016

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