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E-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671



Cartographic Analysis of the Geomorphological Hazards of the Eastern Part of Sheikh Saad Sub-District by Using GIS

Ass lecture Hind Fadhil Ibrahim Al – Jubouri, Lecture Firas .S. Raheem, Prof. Dr. Osama. K. Abdulridah, Prof. Dr. Ali. A. Kazem

Volume: 11 Issue: 3 2021


Geographical information systems are the latest applied computer technologies that contribute to supporting contemporary geographical studies through the possibility of working on preparing a database of geographical phenomena and modeling them in a digital form by providing automated methods and a set of systems and programs for managing and processing data with spatial and non-spatial reference, which is one of the important functions in geographic information systems And the base on which it depends to reach the optimal decisions to reveal the spatial relationships and correlations between geographical phenomena and with high efficiency, to become the contemporary method in the method of processing and spatial analysis of geographical information instead of the old traditional methods of geographical analysis, and the system also allowed the geographical area to enter into the era of modern technologies to evaluate phenomena. Geographical forecasting. The research materials and methods are determined by adopting topographical and geological maps, land-sat satellite visuals, and DEM data to form the search database, and based on the GIS program (Arc Map 9.3) and the (Global Mepper 11) program and the extensions of the (Arc Map 9.3) program, which are (Spatial Analysis) And the three-dimensional analysis (3D analysis), and the outputs are the final process through which the results of the research emerge. These outputs show the type of information that will be processed and presented in the form of three-dimensional maps and shapes, studying the most important causes of geomorphological risks for the study area, and developing solutions and treatments through the conclusions and recommendations of the research.

DOI: http://doi.org/10.37648/ijrssh.v11i03.005

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