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The Correlation between Iraqi EFL Preparatory School Students’ Cognitive Styles and English Productive Skills

Hossam Ali Na’ama Abdul Ridha, Asst Prof Dr Bushra Saadoon Mohammed Al-noori

Volume: 11 Issue: 3 2021


Cognitive styles are important in field of foreign language learning. Knowing of cognitive styles can be as guide to help teachers in order to determine students’ preferences that may used in learning process. This study aims to find the Iraqi EFL preparatory school students’ cognitive styles. In addition, it aims to find the Iraqi EFL preparatory school students’ performance of productive skills. Moreover, the study aims to find the relationship between Iraqi EFL preparatory school students’ cognitive styles and performance of language productive skills. Where are your hypotheses? The sample of the present study consists of 200 students from Iraqi different preparatory schools. To achieve the aims of the current study, two instruments have been used, namely; cognitive styles questionnaire and productive skills test. After ensuring the validity and reliability of the instruments, the two instruments are applied to the sample of the study. The hypotheses are proposed to be tested throughout the current study: 1. There is a statistical significance which shows that Iraqi EFL students have cognitive learning styles 2. There is a statistical significance which shows that Iraqi EFL students have high level proficiency in productive skills 3. There is no statistical significance between Iraqi students’ cognitive styles and their proficiency in productive skills The statistical manipulation of the results achieved revealed the following: 1. The study revealed that cognitive learning style to preparatory school students is "impulsive and reflective cognitive styles". Their success in productive skills increases when they use this style of learning. In other words, an individual who uses his preferred style of learning will become more efficient in productive skills. 2. The study also revealed that preparatory school students have an intermediate level of speaking skill while they have a high level of writing skill. 3. The study also found out a statistically significant correlation between cognitive learning styles and productive skills. In other words, an individual who uses his preferred style of learning will become more progress and succeed in productive skills.

DOI: http://doi.org/10.37648/ijrssh.v11i03.010

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