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E-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671



The Possibility of the application of E- Government and its Impact on Organizational Agility in Ministry of Financial An analytical study

Zakriea Yehea Ali, Salahaldien AbdulKadier Al-Nuaiemi

Volume: 11 Issue: 3 2021


This study came to focus the research on two important topics in the field of public administration, namely "E-Government" and "Organizational Agility", as they can be considered as modern scientific foundations whose adoption can contribute .Making changes and qualitative developments in the performance of the public service provided by governmental organizations, which leads to continuous improvement, reducing red tape and controlling the possibilities of widespread administrative corruption .He also touched on the advantages and risks of e-government, its requirements and stages of application ,with the aim of clarifying and measuring the impact of e-government on organizational agility as one of the contemporary administrative approaches, as well as identifying the advantages and problems of applying e-government in an important government institution at the national level... which is the Ministry of Finance.

DOI: http://doi.org/10.37648/ijrssh.v11i03.014

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