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International Journal of Research in Social Sciences & Humanities(By Aryavart International University, India) International Peer Reviewed (Refereed), Open Access Research Journal E-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671 SJIF 2020: 6.179 | SJIF 2021: 6.064 |
Past Issue : Volume: 12 Issue: 2 2022
Research Article S.R. No: 1
Page no: 1 - 15
Effect of the McCarthy Model According to Learning Styles to Developing Reaction and Sensory-motor Perception, and Accuracy Performing of Passing and ...
Dr. Rami Abdulameer Hassoon, Mohammed Sadiq Fadhul, Ibtihal hasan Abdulameer
The importance of the research is evident in the use of the McCarthy model of learning patterns in developing reaction and sensory-motor perception and accuracy performing of passi...
Research Article S.R. No: 2
Page no: 16 - 28
The Effect of Work Engagement on Self-Esteem: A field Study at the Center of the Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Dr Khaled Mahdi Saleh
This study aimed to investigate the effect of work engagement on self-esteem, so the theoretical concepts of these variables have been viewed add to use the statistical methods to ...
Research Article S.R. No: 3
Page no: 29 - 54
First Person Pronouns in the Holy Qur’an, (Juz' Amma) as a Sample (Semantic, Grammatical Study)
Afaf Kadhim Mshechil
The current study discusses (First Person Pronouns in the Holy Qura'an (Juz' Amma) as a sample), pronoun’s indication, the cause of its build up and the reason behind using it in...
Research Article S.R. No: 4
Page no: 55 - 77
Analysis of the Trends of Exchange Rate Changes in the Parallel Market in Some Real Factors on the Iraqi Economy for the Period (2004-2019)
Hasan Khalaf Radhi, Jamal Dawood Salman
This study aims to analyze the development of the parallel exchange rate and the real economic factors for the period 2004-2019. The study concluded that the real factors have a ta...
Research Article S.R. No: 5
Page no: 78 - 104
The Impact of Adopting Hybrid Strategies in Determining the Marketing Orientation, An Exploratory Study in a Sample of Hotels in the Holy Cities of Ka...
Ahmed Majeed Hameed
The aim of the research is to build an integrated structure of philosophical knowledge frameworks for the main and subsidiary variables of the study based on tracing the intellectu...
Research Article S.R. No: 6
Page no: 105 - 118
Knowledge Sharing and Its Role in Organizational Excellence
Raeda Malallah Mohammed, Prof Nadhum Jawad Abid Al-Zeidi
The current research aims to diagnose the extent of interest in knowledge sharing and its role in achieving organizational excellence at the level of the Iraqi environment Primary ...
Research Article S.R. No: 7
Page no: 119 - 128
Petrifying Impact of Capitalism in Philip Roth’s The Human Stain
Abdullah Jassim Muhamed Banimansoor, Longhai Zhang
This study sheds light on impact of capitalism on American society and how it enforces racial discrimination to subject the majority of people and use them as a commodity in the ha...
Research Article S.R. No: 8
Page no: 129 - 139
Investigating the Word Construction and the Meaning of Nonverb Compound Nouns in the Novel of (The Lost Lamb of Rai) by Houshang Golshiri
Ghazi Faisal Jalil
A compound noun is a noun that is composed of two or more parts, so that each component has an independent meaning but refers to a whole person or thing as a whole. Compound nouns ...
Research Article S.R. No: 9
Page no: 140 - 149
The Artistic Creation of the Narrative in the Heavenly Books: Yusuf Sura as a Model
Alaa Abbas Ghadban
In a noticeable artistic-based structure, stories in heavenly books assume fine narrative pieces. The literary construction and various devices employed in the narrative exhibit a ...
Research Article S.R. No: 10
Page no: 150 - 176
The Effect of a Rehabilitation Program for Rhomboid Muscles (Shoulder) and Fibrous Strain on Young and Advanced Wrestlers (Free and Roman)
Saif Abdul-Zahra Hamza Muhammad Al-Bahadli, Prof. Dr. Ahmed Farhan Ali Al-Tamimi
The current study aimed to know the effect of the prepared curriculum on the rehabilitation of rhombic muscles affecting the shoulder and resulting from chronic myofascial tension,...
Research Article S.R. No: 11
Page no: 177 - 188
Effect of Electrical Stimulation and Hierarchical Exercises in the Maximum Strength, Explosive Ability and Defensive Confrontation Skill for Young Han...
Hasanain Jawad Abdullh, Imad Sattar Jaber, Prof. Dr. Hassim Abdul Jabbar, Prof. Dr. Thaer...
The importance of the research lies in experimenting with exercises using hierarchical training methods and electrical stimulation and knowing their effect on maximum strength, exp...
Research Article S.R. No: 12
Page no: 189 - 204
Beckett’s ‘Endgame’ and Pirandello’s ‘Six Characters in Search of an Author’ as Plays in the Making – A Comparative Study
Muntadher Jedi Shanshool
Modern dramatists in the literary community, irrespective of where they are located, enjoy special privileges related to the theatre. In the wake of the industrial revolution, ...
Research Article S.R. No: 13
Page no: 205 - 225
Integration of the Accelerated Supply Chain and the Lean Manufacturing System - A Case Study in the Baghdad Soft Drinks Company
Asst Prof Batool Atiah Khalaf, Hayder Saleh Kareem
The study aims to provide a theoretical and practical framework on the topic of "Integration of the Accelerated Supply Chain and Lean Manufacturing System" to know the level of app...
Research Article S.R. No: 14
Page no: 226 - 245
The Role of Constructive Leadership in Enhancing Employee Resilience (Analytical research for the opinions of a sample of employees at Al-Iraqia Unive...
Prof. Dr. Jinan Ismail Salih
The main objective of this research is to know and explore the effect relationship of two main variables (constructive leadership and employee resilience), through a survey of the ...
Research Article S.R. No: 15
Page no: 246 - 263
Identity Construction and Social Structures in Sia Figiel’s Novel Where We Once Belonged
Dr. Dhiffaf Al-Shwillay
This article explores identity construction within the Sāmoan community as represented in Sia Figiel’s novel Where We Once Belonged. I argue that however the postcolonial Sāmo...
Research Article S.R. No: 16
Page no: 264 - 276
A Study of Satire of Major Comedies by Ben Jonson
Dr. Abdul Jaleel Fadhil Jameel
Due to the changeable economic, political and social circumstances which the Elizabethan age witness, there appeared several writers who tried to employ their writings in order to ...
Research Article S.R. No: 17
Page no: 277 - 292
Aspects of Markedness in English and Standard Arabic
Zaynab Mahmood H. Al-Kawwaz
One of the most important theories in structural linguistics is markedness theory. Scholars and linguists have always been drawn to it because of its academic value. This study wil...
Research Article S.R. No: 18
Page no: 293 - 303
The Role of Using of the Student-Centered Techniques in Electronic Classroom
Noor Fawzi Mohammad
Student-centered instruction is the situation which involves students' participation in goal setting, emphasis upon effective goals, student interaction, the ability of the teacher...
Research Article S.R. No: 19
Page no: 304 - 320
The Effect of Financial Inclusion on Financial Performance: Analytical study of a sample of banks listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange
Haider Naser, Zaid M. Alabassi
The study seeks to measure and analyze the impact of financial inclusion on financial performance. The study also aims to identify the basic indicators of financial inclusion relat...
Research Article S.R. No: 20
Page no: 321 - 331
The Extent of Implementing the Communicative Activities in Intermediate Schools by Teachers
Dijla Abbood Shareef Al-Turfi
This paper was aims to identify the extent implementing EFL teachers of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) activities in their classroom, and knowing if there are significant di...
Research Article S.R. No: 21
Page no: 332 - 347
The Impact of Knowledge Management Operations in Promoting The Dimensions of Sustainable Development of The Organization: An Analytical Study at The C...
Dr. Dunya Tariq Ahmed
The research aims to identify the knowledge management processes and the dimensions of sustainable development, as well as the effect of the relationship between them in the Colleg...
Research Article S.R. No: 22
Page no: 348 - 363
Effect of Using Cloud Computing Technology on the Accounting Job
Adnan Askar Alwan
The study aimed to demonstrate the importance of the concept of cloud accounting and its advantages over the accounting profession and compare it with traditional accounting system...
Research Article S.R. No: 23
Page no: 364 - 373
An Explorative Study of Relationship Between Spirituality, Rumination and Depression Among Older Adults: The Moderating Role of Gender
Dr Ritu Sharma, Dr. Ekta Bhambri Marwaha
Ruminative thinking patterns may result in negative mood state that may further become the leading cause of depression in old age. Many people start practicing spirituality to deal...
Research Article S.R. No: 24
Page no: 374 - 383
The Effect of an Educational Curriculum Using Shadow Boxing Exercises to Learning Perform the Straight Punch of Boxing for Students
Dr. Samer Abdulhadi Ahmed
The importance of the research lies in the use of shadow boxing exercises to learning perform the straight punch of boxing for students. As for the research problem, it was that ...
Research Article S.R. No: 25
Page no: 384 - 394
Conflict and Identity in Adrienne Rich’s Poetry
Neerja Nagpal
It is easy to imagine that there would be multiple conflicts depicted in the poetry of Adrienne Rich. However, the politico-sexual aspect of lesbianism is being focussed upon here ...
Research Article S.R. No: 26
Page no: 395 - 412
Grammar Issues For Mustafa Jawad (Applied Study)
Dr. Ghanim Oda Sharhan
Mustafa Jawad was one of the flags of Iraq’s renaissance in the modern era. His name became known and spread in Arab scientific and linguistic academies, and literary and intelle...
Research Article S.R. No: 27
Page no: 413 - 423
Sarah Orne Jewett As a Precursor of Eco-conscious Children Fiction: “A White Heron” As an Example
Zaid Ibrahim Ismael, Prof Sabah Atallah Kahlifa Ali
Nearly a century and a half has passed since Sarah Orne Jewett published her much anthologized short story “A White Heron” (1886), but commentators on the tale missed one of th...
Research Article S.R. No: 28
Page no: 424 - 438
A Critical Discourse Analysis Study of Silence in Selected Texts of Virginia Woolf
Dr. Bushra Ni’ma Rashid
Silence is one of the forgotten and/or undermined aspect of language that otherwise play a very important role in communicative purpose. It is believed that silence is merely the o...
Research Article S.R. No: 29
Page no: 439 - 456
A Poetics of De-Colonial Resistance: A Study in Selected Poems by Evelyn Araluen Corr
Ameer Chasib Furaih
First Nations peoples in Australia, as in many other colonized countries, were forced to acquired English soon after the arrival of the colonists in their country during the second...
Research Article S.R. No: 30
Page no: 457 - 464
The Role of Long and Short-term Financing Sources in Enhancing Fixed Assets
Ali Mahmood Hasen
The research sought to prove a main hypothesis that “there is a statistical relationship between financing sources and fixed assets” and This hypothesis was based on a problem ...
Research Article S.R. No: 31
Page no: 465 - 477
Analyzing the Relationship Between Accounting Conservatism and Profit Management and Its Impact on Promoting Sustainable Development: An Applied Study...
Ameer Saheb Shaker
This study aims to test the extent to which Iraqi banks practice accounting conservatism, and measure their profit management practices, in addition to testing the relationship bet...
Research Article S.R. No: 32
Page no: 478 - 494
The Impact of Strategic Momentum on Achieving Strategic Flexibility - An Exploratory Study in a Sample of Baghdad Hotels
Akram Abdulkareem
The research aims to show the extent to which hotel managements operating in the service sector are able to deal in a manner that responds to changes in demand forces in a smooth m...
Research Article S.R. No: 33
Page no: 495 - 507
The Innovation Performance of the Leaders of the Tourism Board in Light of Adopting a Proactive Behavior
Mohammed Hameed Abdulmajed
The aim of the current research is to test the effect of the proactive behavior of the Tourism Board’s leaders on the creative performance, since the proactive behavior of le...
Research Article S.R. No: 34
Page no: 508 - 529
The Impact of The Price Support Policy on Stimulating Wheat Production in Iraq for the period 2010-2020
Jaafar Baqir Majeed Al Dujaili
Despite the importance and effectiveness of the policy of supporting agricultural prices, in Iraq, support for the requirements of agricultural production has been discontinued and...
Research Article S.R. No: 35
Page no: 530 - 556
Strategic Knowledge Management and its Impact on Strategic Ambidexterity
Dr Muthana Zahim Fisal, Dr Suhair Adel Hamed
The aim of this research is to identify the impact of strategic knowledge management on strategic ambidexterity within the Ministry of Construction and Housing. A two-scope questio...
Research Article S.R. No: 36
Page no: 557 - 571
The Emergence and Development of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in Iraq: An Analytical Study
Prof. Dr. Yosra Mnif, Hala Ayed
The objective of this research is to provide the investors and accounting policy makers with useful information in a fair and transparent manner in the process of supervision and c...
Research Article S.R. No: 37
Page no: 572 - 582
The Linguistic Study of Grammatical Metaphor
Prof. Dr. Abdulkarim Fadhil Jameel
There are several philosophers and linguists who use the word "cognition" to describe this area of research. It focuses on the relationship between ideas and the rules that gov...
Research Article S.R. No: 38
Page no: 583 - 591
The Use of Digital Games in EFL Learning
Prof. Dr. Bushra Saadoon Mohammed Alnoori, Dr. Nada Mohammed Hindi
Games in general have the effective role in motivating and engaging individuals because of the fun they encompass, thus, are considered as useful instruments from which player...
Research Article S.R. No: 39
Page no: 592 - 618
Developing a Mechanism for Auditing Municipal Property (Land) on the Basis of International Auditing Standards and INTOSAI International Standards
Karar Jasim Najm
The research aims to prepare a proposed program in accordance with international auditing standards and INTOSAI standards and based on the laws, regulations and instructions in for...
Research Article S.R. No: 40
Page no: 619 - 627
Literary-Pragmatic Impact Dimensioned in Holy Quran Oath Techniques
Maitham Tariq Gumar, Haider Saddam Sahan
Holy Quran, according to Arab grammarians, presents a linguistic menu from which Arabic grammar orders structures with variable ingredients and flavors. Oath techniques fly with H...
Research Article S.R. No: 41
Page no: 628 - 634
Employing Criticism Approaches in Teaching the Translation of Short Stories
Whaj Muneer Esmail
Criticism plays a pivotal role through the pros and cons of translation levels, and this outstandingly can be achieved via applying critical analysis for the translated texts. This...
Research Article S.R. No: 42
Page no: 635 - 650
Multimodal Discourse Analysis of Selected Videos for Teaching Vocabulary to EFL Primary Students in Iraq
Prof. Dr. Bushra Saadoon Mohammed Alnoori
The growth in technology and COVID 19 pandemic has led to the creation of a bulk of learning resources for all subjects at all levels of education. Skills-based subjects are also b...
Research Article S.R. No: 43
Page no: 651 - 658
Globalization and Migration in India
Dr. Sadanand B. Sugandhi
This paper aims to describe the relationship between Globalization and migration and analysis has made to understand the greater impact on every one. Globalization causes migration...

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